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Your Integrity, Our World

Andy Stanley
Aug-Sep 2021

When integrity gives way, something collapses and people get hurt. That's why your integrity needs to hold up—even if it costs you...

Fight or Flight

Gavin Adams
Jul-Aug 2021

When we hear stories about God showing up in a person’s life, the focus is often on how he rescued someone. But God engages with us in...

Practicing Principles

Gavin Adams
Jul 04, 2021

The United States has been called the “Great Experiment,” and a nation formed “for the people, by the people.” These principles were...

Identity Defined

Elaine Scott, Chelsea Anderson and Alysia Dicks
Jun 2021

In a culture of competing voices telling us who we are and who we should be, exactly who am I? And more specifically, who does God say...

Faith Full

Andy Stanley
Apr-May 2021

People whose faith leads them to trust God in spite of their circumstances are the deepest people you’ll ever meet. In this series, we...
