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Human Condition

Samer Massad
Apr-May 2022

We've all felt the tension that exists between how we want to live and how we actually live. Although frustrating, we are not without hope.

Investigating Jesus

Andy Stanley
Mar-Apr 2022

Little did Luke know that of the many accounts of the life of Jesus, his would be one of four that survived. It's worth asking if his...

Don't Be Gross

Andy Stanley
Feb 2022

If you’re grateful for your local church but not engaged, now is the time

Paper Walls

Andy Stanley
Jan 2022

There’s a fine line between a reason and an excuse. It's time to abandon the excuses.

Voices: Dr. Crawford Loritts

Andy Stanley with Dr. Crawford Loritts
Nov 28, 2021

From politics and culture to the church, Andy Stanley and Crawford Loritts have a candid discussion.
