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Not In It To Win It

Andy Stanley
May 2022

The reaction of many evangelicals to political and cultural shifts in recent years revealed what they valued most—winning. But the church...

Human Condition

Samer Massad
Apr-May 2022

We've all felt the tension that exists between how we want to live and how we actually live. Although frustrating, we are not without hope.

Re-Assembly Required

Andy Stanley
Oct-Nov 2021

Repairing relationships is a skill that must be learned. While we’re not in control of every relationship being fully restored, we can...

Big Reputation

Samer Massad
Sep-Oct 2021

The church today has a big reputation for all the wrong things and the work of repairing that reputation starts with us. 

Mean People... and What To Do About Them

Andy Stanley
Jul 2021

It's easy to want to get even with mean people. But we want better than even.
