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Practicing Principles

Gavin Adams
Jul 05, 2020

The United States has been called the “Great Experiment,” and a nation formed “for the people, by the people.” These principles were...

Good Grief

Gavin Adams
Jun 2020

When we, or those around us, experience a loss, it can leave us with a multitude of feelings and questions. How should we respond? How...

Don't Settle For Christian

Andy Stanley
Jun 28, 2020

Becoming a Christian is easy. It won't cost you anything. But Jesus never invited anyone to become a Christian. He invites us to follow.

This Human Race

Andy Stanley
Jun 07, 2020

Perhaps nothing characterized the life of Jesus more than his pursuit of people whose lives and lifestyles did not look like his. If we...

You'll Want to Avoid This

Samer Massad
Feb 09, 2020

We all want to be the best versions of ourselves. To do that, we steer clear of things we know will bring us down. There’s one thing we...
