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Voices: Dr. Crawford Loritts

Andy Stanley with Dr. Crawford Loritts
Nov 28, 2021

From politics and culture to the church, Andy Stanley and Crawford Loritts have a candid discussion.

Re-Assembly Required

Andy Stanley
Oct-Nov 2021

Repairing relationships is a skill that must be learned. While we’re not in control of every relationship being fully restored, we can...

Big Reputation

Samer Massad
Sep-Oct 2021

The church today has a big reputation for all the wrong things and the work of repairing that reputation starts with us. 

Be Rich 2021

Andy Stanley
Sep 2021

We don't have a responsibility to predict what God is up to. But we do have a responsibility to help meet people's immediate needs.

Your Integrity, Our World

Andy Stanley
Aug-Sep 2021

When integrity gives way, something collapses and people get hurt. That's why your integrity needs to hold up—even if it costs you...
