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Gavin Adams
Dec 20, 2020
The most frequently told Christmas story concerns a baby in a manger, and for good reason. A baby in a manger tells us the how and where...
The most frequently told Christmas story concerns a baby in a manger, and for good reason. A baby in a manger tells us the how and where of the first Christmas, but not necessarily the why. When telling his version of Christmas, John didn’t write about babies, animals, or shepherds. Instead of focusing on how or where Jesus was born, John wrote about why.
Gavin Adams
Nov 2020
Looking around, it’s clear that things aren’t going well. There’s a reason, and it’s bigger than a virus, racial tension, and even an...
Looking around, it’s clear that things aren’t going well. There’s a reason, and it’s bigger than a virus, racial tension, and even an election. There’s something wrong with the world, and it’s affecting everything in it. In this series, we’ll find out what’s wrong, why it’s wrong, and, more importantly, what we can do about it.
Andy Stanley
Sep 2020
It can be hard to maintain hope in the middle of chaos. But our hope isn't anchored to circumstances, theological opinions, or a book....
It can be hard to maintain hope in the middle of chaos. But our hope isn't anchored to circumstances, theological opinions, or a book. Our hope is anchored to an event—an event that rekindled the dwindling hope of the first followers of Christ.
Gavin Adams
Aug-Sep 2020
'Some assembly required.” Quite possibly the worst three words in the retail language. But what about the church? The apostle Paul calls...
'Some assembly required.” Quite possibly the worst three words in the retail language. But what about the church? The apostle Paul calls the church a body, not a building. We constantly hear it’s about a “personal relationship with Jesus.” So, is some assembly required? In this series, we unpack the history of the church gathering, evaluate if gatherings are even necessary, and decide what the church is for.
Andy Stanley
Jul-Aug 2020
The world needs leaders, especially during times of uncertainty. But not just any leaders. In this series, we'll discuss three essentials...
The world needs leaders, especially during times of uncertainty. But not just any leaders. In this series, we'll discuss three essentials for leading through disruptive times.