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Heart to Heart

Samer Massad
Jan-Feb 2023

In this series, we’ll look at three of Jesus’s most famous parables that teach us about the heart of God. Because to misunderstand the...

Big Reputation 2023

Samer Massad
Jan 01, 2023

Religion was and in some ways still is used and perceived as a system of exclusion. But Jesus used relationship as a pathway to inclusion...

Known For It

Andy Stanley
Aug 07, 2022

We all want to be known for something. What we really need is to be known by someone.

Find My Friends

Samer Massad
Jul 2022

We live in a world where people are lonelier and more isolated than ever before, and it’s never been more important to find and cultivate...

Reactions Speak Louder Than Words

Andy Stanley
Jun-Jul 2022

Actions speak louder than words. Reactions speak louder than either.
