Spiritual Gift Assessment

Woodstock City Message Series Sleeping Giant Samer Massad

We are all uniquely gifted to play a part in the story of God. And every part is indispensable.

One of the ways we can connect with God is to participate with him as he grows and advances his kingdom (Romans 12:4–6). God made each of us with a unique set of talents, passions, and spiritual gifts. He wants us to use those gifts to benefit others because when we do so, we reflect his love to the people around us.

This video-based Spiritual Gift Assessment is designed to help you identify particular spiritual gifts you may have.

Watch the video, use the guide, and follow the instructions to learn more about your spiritual gifts. 

Spiritual Gifts Assessment GUide

Activity for how to find out what spiritual gifts you have

Spiritual Gifts Assessment

One of the ways we can connect with God is to participate with him as he grows and advances his kingdom (Romans 12:4–6). God made each of us with a unique set of talents, passions, and spiritual gifts. He wants us to use those gifts to benefit others because when we do so we reflect his love to the people around us.

This video-based Spiritual Gift Assessment is designed to help you identify particular spiritual gifts you may have. Here’s how it works:

  1. In the video, you’ll see a series of 44 statements on the screen, one at a time.

  2. On a scale of 1 to 5, you'll determine how accurately each statement describes you. A “5” means the statement is very true of you.

  3. Write your number in one of the eleven columns below (the video will tell you where to write your number).

  4. Once you’ve seen all of the statements, you'll add up the totals to give you an indicator of your Spiritual Gifts. 

Sections of Spiritual Gifts Survey courtesy of LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN.