Day Two

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.


Reflective Thought

To be a sheep is to be dependent, for sheep are needy creatures. They’re bottom-dwellers on the food chain, making them easy prey. They’re not very bright. Chronically unaware, they’ve been known to wander off cliffs! If they slip or roll on their backs, they’re unable to right themselves. Their wool and hooves require ongoing grooming and upkeep to prevent disease and ensure easy mobility. For sheep to survive—let alone thrive—someone has to care for them.

A shepherd is that someone. To say it’s a challenging role is an understatement. Words used to describe a shepherd’s job include: tedious, hectic, demanding, and vigilant.

As you can imagine, not every shepherd is committed to excellence when it comes to the rigors shepherding requires. There are good ones and bad ones. You can tell the caliber of the shepherd based on the condition of the sheep.

One shepherd writes:

“The lot in life of any particular sheep depended on the type of shepherd who owned it. Some were gentle, kind, intelligent, brave, and selfless in their devotion to their stock. Under one shepherd sheep would struggle, starve, and suffer endless hardship. In another's care, they would flourish and thrive contentedly"
- A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, Keller

The first thing David declares is that God is his Shepherd. The second thing he declares is the completeness of God’s care: he’s never had a need God didn’t meet. Ever. As powerful and capable as King David certainly was, he never lost sight of his sheeplike neediness and to trust God to provide.

Questions to Ponder

Have you placed yourself under God’s care, or have you looked to other sources to meet your needs?

What might be different if you trusted God to care for you?


Good Shepherd, help me to trust you and to rest in your excellent care for me.