Day Nine

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.


Reflective Thought

The “table” David refers to are the high, flat-topped plateaus of the mountains. From afar, they look like food-laden tables, ready to sustain the sheep. Though lush, this land is not naturally suited for sheep. Healthy and poisonous vegetation grow together. The ground lacks essential salt and minerals that the shepherd must supply. The area is also untamed, requiring grueling effort to ensure safe grazing.

A good shepherd must make multiple trips, beginning in “still snowy” early spring to create the perfect “sheep space” for the hot summer months.

In the presence of my enemies alludes to the various predators looking on from the high mountain rims. Sly, silent, and studious, these predators lie in wait for an opportune moment to attack.

One shepherd writes:
The picture here is full of drama, action, suspense—and possible death. Only the alertness of the sheepman who tends his flock in full view of possible enemies can prevent them from falling prey to attack.”
- A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, Keller

The anointing of oil and cup running over phrases refer to a homemade ointment able to cure sheep of various infections caused by insects and parasites. Without the anointing of the oil specifically upon the animal’s head, afflicted sheep will seek relief through banging their heads into trees and rocks and thrashing themselves around in thorns and brush, often wounding themselves. Upon application, sheep experience immediate relief. Shepherds must frequently “anoint” their sheep to keep them healthy and at peace.

The shepherd goes to excessive lengths to ensure his sheep experience a blessed, carefree life under his care, though all manner of opposition constantly threaten them. The same is true for us as God’s beloved sheep.


Questions to Ponder

How has the Lord prepared a table for you amid your enemies or anointed your head with the oil of his love?



Good Shepherd, give me eyes to see your prepared table and the grace to experience the anointing oil of your love.