Day Four

He leads me beside quiet waters…

Reflective Thought

Sheep need water because in the barren wilderness terrain of Israel, it doesn’t take long to become thirsty. But sheep are anxious and won’t drink from strong currents. They require peaceful, clean waters. The shepherd knows this, and so leads them to the small, gently flowing streams that flow down from the mountains. It is in these waters that they drink and find refreshment within their flow.

In a similar way, we experience thirst in this world, the kind that disrupts our peace. We thirst as a result of walking through the dry, barren terrain of hardship and sorrow or the rocky terrain of adversity and affliction. We also thirst as a result of unfulfilled longings that leave our mouths dry and our lips cracked.

God, our Good Shepherd, knows we need to satisfy our thirst, but not with the raging, chaotic waters of the world. No, he provides the calm, tranquil waters of his perfect peace. It is within these waters that we can freely wade around without the disruption that fear creates in our souls. His streams of peace flow from the settled assurance of God’s perfect love and enduring faithfulness, giving us a sense of his very real presence and his generous provision. Those who drink deeply of his peace will be refreshed.


Questions to Ponder

What waters have you been drinking from (the tranquil waters of his peace or the muddy waters of this world)?

When you consider God’s desire to quench your soul’s thirst with the gentle waters of his peace, what does this reveal about God’s love for you?



Good Shepherd, thank you for the gentle streams you lead me to. Help me drink deeply, finding refreshment within the clear and cleansing waters of your peace.