Baby Dedication

Join us for our next baby dedication on September 28, 2024, at 10:00 a.m.

Baby Dedication Slide

It is so exciting when a new baby enters a family!

Baby Dedication is an event where parents of young children and babies commit to raising their child in a Christ-centered home. We believe this sets the foundation for the child to grow to have a healthy, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Will you be baptizing my baby at the dedication?

There will not be a baptism/christening during the dedication.

We believe baptism is done only after the person has made a conscious choice to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. 

How many people can I invite to the dedication?

It is challenging for us to put a number limit on this special event because family size varies so widely.

Please invite grandparents, aunts and uncles, and other special people. However, with so many families participating in Baby Dedication, space is limited.

Every family will have their own table that seats ten people. We will have limited overflow seating, but please keep your party as close to 10 as possible (without starting a family feud!).

Can my older children attend the dedication?

Yes. We would love for the siblings of the baby participating in the dedication to attend.

We ask that children other than siblings not attend due to the limited space.

How long will the dedication last?

The dedication will last around 30-45 minutes.

What aged children can participate in the dedication?

If your child attends Waumba Land, they can participate in the dedication.

What should we wear?

As with most events at Woodstock City, there is no set dress code. Most of our families, however, do dress up a bit more than they would for Sunday service.

Please feel free to wear whatever you wish!

What is the picture used for? Does it have to be professional?

We use the picture in a slideshow shown during the ceremony.

The photo does not have to be professional; many people use candids.

Who should we ask to pray at our table during the moment of prayer at the Baby Dedication?

Please ask one or two people who are special to your family to pray.

They will be given instructions during the programming on when to pray.

Whoever you ask to pray does not have to attend Woodstock City Church. They will not be required to step forward but instead will pray with you and your guests at your table.

If you do not have someone to pray with, a staff member will happily step in.