Transit | 8th Grade Baptism Celebration

8th grade baptism celebration in transit

We are hosting a special baptism service for our 8th grade students following our usual Transit Sunday program. 

As your 8th grade student begins wrapping up their time in Transit, we want to provide them with the opportunity to take this incredible step in their faith, surrounded by their family and friends.

Baptism at Transit is a unique opportunity for students to tell others about their faith in Jesus. Through baptisms, students get to share their stories of when they discovered a faith of their own and how Jesus has impacted their life.

Does your 8th grade student want to learn more about baptism? 

Register Now

Sign-up closes on March 30. 


Everyone's invited to join us on Sunday, May 4, as we celebrate these Transit students getting baptized!


Transit is a gathering specifically designed for middle school students. Students experience games, music, and teaching in a large group setting before spending time processing what they learned in small groups.